Riva Yacht Logo

Scale Models

The Riva world in miniature

The official Riva miniatures collection has proved a tremendous success – as gifts or simply for connoisseurs to display and admire. Riva entrusted the task of making scale models of its iconic gems and distributing them worldwide to Kiade, the leading boat modelmaker.

Working under an exclusive licence based on the original drawings and specifications, Kiade crafts faithful scale reproductions of the legendary boats that have entered the global pantheon of yachting and design. Aquarama, Ariston, Aquariva, … these are boats that catch the eye all over the world, whether life-size or as miniatures.

PA La Lande Saint Martin
120 Rue Georges Charpak
44115 Haute-Goulaine

Tel.: +33 251 798 547
Email: contact@kiade.com
Web: www.kiade.com
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